It was terrific to see the huge turn-out at this year's event. TravelDaily has done a tremendous job turning this into a "must-attend" event for the travel industry, not just for China executives but increasingly for APAC regional/International executives.
It was terrific to see the huge turn-out at this year's event. TravelDaily has done a tremendous job turning this into a "must-attend" event for the travel industry, not just for China executives but increasingly for APAC regional/International executives.
——Lily Cheng TripAdvisor亚太区总裁超过一千人的盛会,环球旅讯的会议规模及质量在中国及亚太地区已经无法超越。会议中很多有价值的分享,短短两天收益匪浅,深入浅出的讲解与对话,带给我们太多的思考。此次的Thack演示更加的让人觉得有一些感动,在这样一个过于商业化的时代,他们让我们看到了中国旅游业的未来!
——夏轶 锦江国际电子商务有限公司副总裁行业精英荟萃,便于交流和凝听精英的真知灼见。最大的收获是看到了线上旅游投资的火热和大数据在旅游行业的运用的未来。
——吴伟 城市便捷酒店集团副总裁参会嘉宾层级较高,和几位老朋友和潜在合作者都进行了有益的交流;听到了不少新的东西和技术。#航空公司人员参加较少是较大的遗憾 - 旅游创新使创新者和广大用户获益,但希望不是以牺牲最大服务商的利益下获益。会议越来越成功,规模越来越大;极客分享是亮点;中国版的差旅国际盛会呼之欲出!
——栾心联 UATP中国及北亚区商务总监