1.Your credit card payment will be processed by

BilltoBill is a well known payment service provider in China and Worldwide providing online and offline payment services to airlines, travel and hotel industries. The company is based in Shanghai China. BilltoBill is owned by FCPB Investments Limited, a public company based in Melbourne and listed as FCP on the ASX. BilltoBill has offices in Melbourne, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. For more information, please visit www.billtobill.com.cn

2.US$100≈RMB685(on Mar.1). The exchange rate is subject to change. Please check with your local bank for the updated exchange rate and the equivalent of your local currency will be charged from your credit card.

3.To facilitate your credit card payment, the price is displayed in Chinese currency (RMB).

4.Only will be accepted for online payment. If you are going to pay by using other credit cards, please fill in the attached form and your payment will be handled offline by Billtobill.

5.If you have any problems regarding to your payment, please feel free to call us at 86 20 37615190 or email to register@traveldaily.cn.

Reminder: For your payment security, if you fail to complete the payment after you are directed to the bank page, your confirmation number will be invalid any more. Please contact TravelDaily team to ask for the new confirmation number so you can proceed to make your payment online.