1. Your credit card payment will be processed by .
OnCard Payments has been working to provide comprehensive payment services as well as professional industry solution to various industries such as airline, travelling, hotel, mail-ordering and online commercial. In the past years, OnCard Payments has made great contribution to electronic ticketing for airline industry and enjoys high reputation. As a result, OnCard Payments has won multiple industry rewards including the prestigious “Best Airline and Travelling Payments Solution”.
For more information, please visit www.oncardpayments.com.cn.
2. To facilitate your credit card payment, the price is displayed in Chinese currency (RMB).
3. The major credit cards as follow are accepted for your payment:
4. The major credit cards issued by the following Chinese banks are accepted for payment:
If your credit card is issued by BOC, GDB, CIB, SPDB or CMBC, only signature-based authorization card can be accepted, please disable your card’s PIN-based authorization function temporarily.
Pease fill in the Credit Card Authorization Form and your payment will be handled offline by OnCard Payment.
5. If you have any problems regarding to your payment, please feel free to call us at 86 20 87605706 or email to register@traveldaily.cn.