
The conference pass includes:
1. Access to the entire event, including the social functions
2. Dinner reception on Sep.14
3. Lunch, Coffee Break and Simultaneous translation.

For the group booking with 5 or more people, please download the Registration Form.

For the booking with less than 5 people, please book through this page.

Step #1: Choose the rate that applies to you
Full Price
Payment by credit card RMB4400
Discount Code: How can I get the discount code? More Payment Information
Note: The above price is applied to companies outside of Mainland China.
Step #2: Add your details
No. of delegates:
Contact Full Name* Job Title* Phone Number* Mobile E-Mail*
Note: Please choose the contact person from above.
If the contact person does not attend this conference, please leave his/her contact details.
Step #3: Add your company details
 Zip Code:
By clicking on the submit button below I am giving my consent to the event Terms & Conditions.
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