- 中国本土酒店品牌如何提升国际竞争力
- 全球及中国酒店业入住率、ADR、RevPAR等业绩指标走势及新开酒店数据分析
- 全球酒店在线营销新趋势
- 私卖(Private-Sales)、团购、Last-minute、C2B(Name your own price)等新兴模式对酒店收益及渠道管理带来了何等的机会及挑战?酒店业应如何应对?
- 酒店在线营销策略——社会媒体、移动应用、旅游搜索及线上线下的整合营销
- 酒店如何利用各类营销工具打造线上品牌,提升在线预订转化率
- 酒店如何利用最新技术提升客户忠诚度计划及辅助收入
- 热点讨论: 价格、忠诚度、营销策略及收益
TravelDaily clearly offers the leading travel industry forum for the Chinese market. It is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, learn new concepts and interact with the top players in the industry.
—— Fritz Demopoulos, Former CEO, Qunar.com
With the perfect combination of senior attendees, a balanced agenda and great translation services, the China TravelDaily conference is a "must" if you have any interest at all in the China travel market.
—— Gregg Brockway, President, TripIt
—— 熊伟铭, 合伙人, 贝塔斯曼亚洲投资基金
—— 夏轶, 市场营销总监, 锦江国际电子商务有限公司
A well-organized, professional conference, well attended by Chinese and international companies alike. Recommended for those with an interest in online travel in China.
—— John Chapman, 亚太区航空公司集团副总裁, Amadeus
TravelDaily clearly offers the leading travel industry forum for the Chinese market. It is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, learn new concepts and interact with the top players in the industry.
Fritz Demopoulos, Former CEO, Qunar.com
With the perfect combination of senior attendees, a balanced agenda and great translation services, the China TravelDaily conference is a "must" if you have any interest at all in the China travel market.
Gregg Brockway, President, TripIt
The conference surpassed my expectations. I both learned a great deal about the emerging Chinese travel market and made a number of important industry contacts.
Josh Steinitz, 首席执行官, NileGuide
徐钊, 高级副总裁, 速8酒店集团