
TravelDaily ( ) is China's leading online publisher and event organizer focusing on distribution, marketing and technology developments in the travel and tourism industries.

With our vast distribution and growing coverage, TravelDaily is the Chinese travel industry's No.1 source of free, local and international news. Since the first conference being held at Shanghai in 2008, TravelDaily conferences have been regarded as the most prestigious industry event in China.

Event Overview

While most global industry leaders are charting their courses cautiously, some are looking at creating exciting new opportunities or entering new markets in the midst of the crisis. China remains the hotspot of the world's travel market by achieving a 12.0% growth rate in the number of domestic travelers in 2012. China's air traffic also achieved a 9.2% growth rate on a year-to-year basis.

Just how different are current entry strategies, and what tactics offer the best chance at making a real breakthrough in the China market and navigating through this challenging time? How are travel and tourism organizations collaborating to enhance market share and to revitalize the tourism and travel economy?

Over 750 C-level executives and senior management leaders from travel and tourism will take center stage at the China Travel Distribution Summit September 11-12, 2013 to address the core issues affecting the heart of their industry. Be part of this distinguished gathering and be instrumental in facilitating new ideas and driving improvements for the travel industry.


“High Touch, High Tech”is the main themes of China Travel Distribution Summit 2013. For global companies, China is no longer the future. It is the present. China has become the focus of a world that is looking for a way out of the recession, and nobody can afford to ignore this lucrative market.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Trends of China's online travel market: How Chinese travelers purchase travel products on Internet? How they embrace mobiles and social media to do travel research and shopping?
  • How can China's online travel companies go global?
  • How will innovative models including group buying, private sales, last-minute and C2B shape the future of China's travel distribution industry?
  • How will Google change travel planning and search by its recent moves in the travel industry?
  • Will social media become the next platform for travel research and booking?
  • How will mobile applications reform the travel distribution industry?
  • What impacts will AirBnB and other daily rental companies bring to traditional hospitality industry?
  • Investment opportunities in China's travel industry
  • TravelDaily Lab Pitch



TravelDaily clearly offers the leading travel industry forum for the Chinese market.It is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, learn new concepts and interact with the top players in the industry.

Fritz Demopoulos, CEO, Queen's Road Capital

With the perfect combination of senior attendees, a balanced agenda and great translation services, the China TravelDaily conference is a "must" if you have any interest at all in the China travel market.

Gregg Brockway, President & Co-founder, TripIt


This conference is one of the most valuable conferences in China’s travel industry. I learned a lot from the presentations and debates and made some important contacts.

Joe Xu, Senior Vice President, Super 8


An excellent place to meet up with key people in the online China travel business.

Glenn D.Fogel, Head of Worldwide Strategy and Planning, The Priceline Group

What attendees have to say…

The China Travel Distribution Summit is a great way to learn about what is going on in the travel distribution space in China as well as meeting the industry leaders.

Dan Wacksman, Senior VP,Integrated Marketing,Outrigger Hotels and Resorts

The China Travel Distribution Summit is the key event for travel professionals in China and internationally, interested in understanding the fastest growing tourism market, and biggest online population in the world.

Jens Thraenhart, Partner, Dragon Trail

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