480+ 参会嘉宾

中国及全球航空业的年度盛会,预计将有超过 480 位来自海内外的航空公司及相关产业管理者出席。 查看2016最新名录>>

50+ 航空公司

集聚了国内以及国际市场主要的航空公司,这里是寻找重要行业合作伙伴的最佳交流与沟通平台。 查看2016最新名录>>

85% 决策层

超过 85% 参会者为具有决策权或话语权的管理者,在这里可以与目标客户进行有效的合作洽谈。 查看2016最新名录>>

50+ 赞助机会

结合在线及现场宣传资源,峰会可以为您提供讲台、胸牌、话筒、椅套等超过 50 种品牌宣传形式。

  • 中国最棒的!继续发扬光大!高端合作机会都是在环球旅讯的峰会上完成的。这个会参加了三年,年年进步一大步。超赞!

    —— 孙轶平,众荟信息总裁

  • The TravelDaily Conference is THE annual travel industry conference in China. Interesting discussion and good networking opportunities.

    —— Bart Tompkins,Amadeus 大中华区常务总裁

  • We invited a number of key online customers to last year’s event. It was a great opportunity for them to get crucial insight into the China market as well as learn about the various strategic opportunities that the market presents.

    — Ming Foong, Director, OTA APAC, Business Development North Asia & Japan, Travelport


—— 孙轶平,众荟信息总裁

The TravelDaily Conference is THE annual travel industry conference in China. Interesting discussion and good networking opportunities.

—— Bart Tompkins,Amadeus 大中华区常务总裁

We invited a number of key online customers to last year’s event. It was a great opportunity for them to get crucial insight into the China market as well as learn about the various strategic opportunities that the market presents.

——Ming Foong, Director, OTA APAC, Business Development North Asia & Japan, Travelport


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